You should have to look it in time!!!Click Here.
The Menu!

Author Mrs.ELENA

Chests, covered with leaves. Click Here.

All the chests are made of single pieces of  wood. Outside adornment is represented by  floristic motives.In the middle of the cover there can be a bas-relief of any motive  (it depends on Helen's inspiration at the very moment of creation of a chest). Inside you may find polished wood,velvet,adormments,or
according to a customer's desire,the openings for rings.
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Translated byALEX.

The Menu!

The Menu!

Basic page | Biography : Siberia Byelorussia Ukraine |

1999 ... - Christians |
Soldiers | Mini-Museum |
Beating sounds-narcotic-drugs-young people.-I-
The cultural method "chess-breeding"for children. |
Christian motives:
Jesus |
The Child's Birth | Sermon on the Mount | Way to Golgotha |
Christian themes | Bas-reliefs on motives of icons (miniature) | Unity of Purposes of the Christians |
"Mini - monuments" of late 2 nd early 3-rd Millenniums:
" Old Hop" - 400 | Russian Navy - 300 | Moscow's history | Pushkin - 200 |
Memories I.Il'f and E.Petrov | Perejaslav-350 | Galich-1100 | Unity of Purposes of Christians |
St.-Petersburg - 300 |The Tragedy of the Twentieth Century |The Tragedy of the Twentieth Century- Great Domestic |
150- th anniversary of Defense of Sevastopol in Crimean War |Lviv750

Art Chess-Set:
Fairy-Tale Chess - Set | Knights and Bohatyrs |Russians of Kiev and Polovets |
Russians and Knights| Knights and Tartar-Mongolians|West and East |Kossacks and Knights|
Ukrainian National Subject:
The Chess-set , dedicated to the 400th anniversary of B.Khmelnitsky. | Quartette of Hutsuls. | Galich-1100|
Odarka and Karas. | Ukranian kossacs tales to a japanese writer | Hutsuls in the Mountains- Miniature. | Perejaslav-350

Dear Collection Fans:
Super Miniature | Soldiers| Caskets. | Sudarushki--Chatting Monkeys |
A Forest Clock-House with the Feasting Gnomes | Three Piglets | Soviet Intellectuals AfterthePerestroika 1988-1991 |
Kossack with a Dagger | Zaporozian Kossack Tells Tales to Japanese Writer | Art - Knife |

SOS!...SOS!...If you are interested topic of problems on drug-narcotic and aggression among young people(children),look page.