IN RUSSIAN (Win-1251)
The Abstract : art ; virtual gallery ; collection fans ; artistic chess ; authors themes ; chess-set ; Ukrainian national subject ; Ukraine ; Moskau ; Russian ; Siberia ; Syevastopol ; Byelorussia ; World War II - Great Domestic ; Europe ; USA ; USSR and Germany ; Italy and Japan ; Berlin and Tokyo ; 1648 ; 1854 ; 1939 ; 1941 ; 1945 ; plane ; tank ; Christians ; knight ; bohatyr ; miniature ; super miniature ; soldiers ; hutsul ; quartet ; kossac ; japanese writer ; gnomes ; mountains ; girl ; piglet ; monkey ; J.Stalin and A. Hitler and W.Churchill and F.Roosevelt and B.Mussolini ; japanese admiral ; Boghdan Khmelnytsky ; A. Pushkin ; I.Il'f and E.Petrov ; Odarka and Karas ; Knjazhijj L'viv ; navy ; fairy-tales ; wooden carved ; caskets ; art knife...
Translated by ALEX.

Tel.Ukraine, (0322) - 72-01- 48


The Menu!

Basic page | Biography : Siberia Byelorussia Ukraine |

1999 ... - Christians |
Soldiers | Mini-Museum |
Beating sounds-narcotic-drugs-young people.-I-
The cultural method "chess-breeding"for children. |
Christian motives:
Jesus |
The Child's Birth | Sermon on the Mount | Way to Golgotha |
Christian themes | Bas-reliefs on motives of icons (miniature) | Unity of Purposes of the Christians |
"Mini - monuments" of late 2 nd early 3-rd Millenniums:
" Old Hop" - 400 | Russian Navy - 300 | Moscow's history | Pushkin - 200 |
Memories I.Il'f and E.Petrov | Perejaslav-350 | Galich-1100 | Unity of Purposes of Christians |
St.-Petersburg - 300 |The Tragedy of the Twentieth Century |The Tragedy of the Twentieth Century- Great Domestic |
150- th anniversary of Defense of Sevastopol in Crimean War |Lviv750

Art Chess-Set:
Fairy-Tale Chess - Set | Knights and Bohatyrs |Russians of Kiev and Polovets |
Russians and Knights| Knights and Tartar-Mongolians|West and East |Kossacks and Knights|
Ukrainian National Subject:
The Chess-set , dedicated to the 400th anniversary of B.Khmelnitsky. | Quartette of Hutsuls. | Galich-1100|
Odarka and Karas. | Ukranian kossacs tales to a japanese writer | Hutsuls in the Mountains- Miniature. | Perejaslav-350

Dear Collection Fans:
Super Miniature | Soldiers| Caskets. | Sudarushki--Chatting Monkeys |
A Forest Clock-House with the Feasting Gnomes | Three Piglets | Soviet Intellectuals AfterthePerestroika 1988-1991 |
Kossack with a Dagger | Zaporozian Kossack Tells Tales to Japanese Writer | Art - Knife |

SOS!...SOS!...If you are interested topic of problems on drug-narcotic and aggression among young people(children),look page.