CHESS: Anniversary of Russian Navy. 300-Years. Souvenir to Men IN RUSSIAN (Win-1251)
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Russian Navy  300th Anniversary of Navy Syvastopol
Author Mrs. Uralova Elena Vyacheslavovna.

300th Anniversary of Russian Navy's Foundation.

THE DEFENSE of SEVASTOPOL . The Tragic but Heroic Page of Russian Navy's History. The middle 19th century. Russia was involved into a war for its Southern frontiers. Only because of their heroism and patriotism, Russia could stand against the enemy. The most significant contribution was made by the defenders of Syevastopol and the Black Sea Navy's marines.

The Whites.
The Russian Naval Admiral.
Queen:This is a collective image of "The Sisters of Mercy
Officers: Russian Naval Officers.
Knights:Horses, used for defending the fortress.
Rooks:These are the images of Russian battle-ships which were sunk in the Bay of Syevastopol 
Pawns:Russian marines

The Blacks
The Turkish Sultan.          
Queen:An English Lady.This image symbolises the Britain
Officers:British and French Naval Officers.
Knights:Horses, being brought by adversaries on the ships.
Rooks:British sail-and steam-propelled manowars.
Pawns:Turkish soldiers and marines.

The board: there is a sail-steamer on the one side of it. On the other side there is the defending bulwark of Syevastopol. On the front side there is a three- mast ship carrying St. Andrew flag. All these are surrounded with carved leaves that are symbolizing the land - the only dream and the final destination of a sailor.During one year the chess-set had been demonstrated in the General Consulate of Russian Federation in Lviv.
The pieces are fully accomplished. Their heights range from 42 mm. to 65 mm ( 1.69 to 2.6 inches). The closed chess-board’s dimensions are: 376x188x55 mm. ( 15.1x7.55x2.2 inches).

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